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A Balanced Program for ASD

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may notice struggles with daily activities. These might involve the ability to focus, plan ahead, use memory, and transition between ideas and information. Together, these are called executive functions. Children, like adults, need a balance of these functions to thrive.

Traditional western treatment often focuses on behavioral modification training and medications for ASD. While these can be effective, they can also be costly and time-consuming.

The Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine program, developed by Dr. Suiyin Agnes Chan, offers an overall wellness approach. It’s based on Chinese medicine concepts of balance and energy flow.

Wellness Approach

The recommendations in this program are straightforward and accessible. Multiple studies have shown their effectiveness for children struggling with ASD (Chan et al., 2014; Chan & Sze, 2020). The program can provide improvements ranging from better behaviors to increased focus.

Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine focuses on key areas that impact wellness, including:


Physical activity

Stress management

Psychological well-being

Here’s a brief look at each area, along with links to helpful resources to learn more.

Dietary Changes

Multiple studies have shown that dietary changes recommended in the program have helped with several of these areas of mental functioning. Specifically, research shows that children who followed the dietary changes (for the most part) were able to think more clearly, to decrease inappropriate behaviors, and to better plan ahead (Chan et al., 2012).

Recommended Foods

Certain foods can improve body and brain functions. The following categories of foods are encouraged:






Potentially Negative Foods

Other foods can interfere with functioning. The following types of foods should be gradually decreased or eliminated:



Green onion

Spicy foods




Added sugars

Processed foods

Physical Activity

It’s recommended that children exercise up to 60 minutes per day. A particularly helpful type of movement and relaxation method is called Nei Yang Gong. It includes specific movements, such as standing tranquilly, relaxing shoulders, passive breathing, and self massage of the top of the nose.

In two studies, children learned the Nei Yang Gong techniques with a teacher, and continued practicing it between 5 and 45 minutes at home, around 4 to 6 days per week. Children who participated were found to have improved self-control behaviors, as well as enhanced brain activity in areas of self-control and improved memory (Chan et al., 2013, Chan et al., 2015).

Stress Management

The Shaolin Dan Tian Breathing method can also help with relaxation and focus (Chan et al., 2011). Children who practiced this technique also experienced better moods. This technique involves relaxing, while noticing the natural breathing process. This breathing method helps with Chi, a chinese concept of energy within the body.

Psychological Well Being

Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine encourages a balance in all areas of wellness, through practicing mindfulness, anger management, goal setting, self-enlightenment, and gratitude and kindness. Parents are encouraged to become aware of their own thoughts and emotions, and be open and understanding of any challenges their children may face.

There are many options when it comes to supporting your child. Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine offers a balanced approach to help with ASD. These methods can provide a significant improvement in overall wellbeing for your child and entire family.


Chan, A. S., Sze, S. L., Cheung, M. C., Han, Y. M., Leung, W. W. & Shi, D. (2011) Dejian mind-body intervention improves the cognitive functions of a child with autism. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, doi:10.1155/2011/549254.

Chan, A., Sze, S. L., Han, Y. M. Y., & Cheung, M. C. (2012). A Chan dietary intervention enhances executive functions and anterior cingulate activity in autism spectrum disorders: a randomized controlled trial. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, Article ID 262136.

Chan, A. S., Sze, S. L., Siu, N. Y., Lau, E. M., & Cheung, M. C. (2013). A Chinese mind-body exercise improves self-control of children with autism: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 8, e68184

Chan A.S.Y., Han Y.M.Y., Cheung M. (2014) Chinese Chan-Based Prospective Neuropsychological Intervention for Autistic Children. In: Patel V., Preedy V., Martin C. (eds) Comprehensive Guide to Autism. Springer, New York, NY.

Chan, A. S., Han, Y. M. Y., Sze, S. L., & Lau, E. M. (2015). Neuroenhancement of memory for children with autism by a mind-body exercise. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1893, doi:10.3389/fpsyq.2015.01893

Chan AS and Sze SL. (2020) Changing Lifestyle Improves Executive Functions and Associated Neurophysiological Activity in Children with Autism. J Autism. 2020; 7:1.

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